A letter to myself

I have been thinking about this for a while.  What would I say to myself at this point in my grief journey and how would I respond?   I can say that this journey has been one of ups and downs, good and bad and everything in between.  I recently talked to a girlfriend who lost her mother.  I have no experience with this,  but I so hurt because she hurts.  As an only child she is trying to navigate the throes of life all while still grieving and mourning.  Her support system has come to the rescue and she is trying to make it through.  Someone mentioned to me how proud they were of me because they can remember from where I come from.  I have come from nights of uncertainly, crying, pacing the floors and just not knowing how I would get over .  In speaking to myself, I would tell me to write down your thoughts.  Embrace and celebrate life-the one in which you knew in order to try to move on and move forward.

What would you letter to yourself say or include?

About CBarnes